
Top 7 Essential Practices for Spiritual Healing and Ascension
We will explore the seven life-changing practices to kickstart your spiritual healing and ascending journey. Whether you're looking to reduce anxiety, find inner peace, or simply grow as a person,...
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Be the Change You Wish to See in Others
People always appear in your life with a purpose. The ones who stand closest to you are the best reflections of yourself at this very moment. Once you realize that, you can see what is going on dee...
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Why Do You Need to Move Away From a Bad Situation, and Bad People?
Knowing how to move away from a bad situation will be good for your future, your children, and your friends. So, knowing how to pull yourself away from bad people will benefit everyone in your life.
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Not Feeling Good Enough Is a Huge Sign From the Universe - Are You Paying Attention?
Feeling unworthy, not good enough, or unappreciated is a huge sign that you are not on the right path! Know that the right people and situations will always value you for who you are and for your i...
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If You Truly Want To Help Someone - INSPIRE!
Those who truly love you and want the best for you will never tell you what you can or cannot do. They will simply inspire you to follow your heart and to reconnect with your whole being again, so ...
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Are You a Prisoner in Somebody Else´s Life?
Don´t become a prisoner in somebody else´s life! You are here to walk on your path, live your life, and be loved and accepted by yourself first. Each and every one of us is meant to have a life ful...
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Why Do You Need Problems In Your Life?
Every single one of you has experienced some difficult times. Problems will always be a constant in your life and for an excellent reason! Difficulties will stretch you, make you grow, and push you...
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Can Earthly Possessions Make a Divine Creature Truly Happy?
Your status and possessions don´t guarantee your continuous happiness. Who you truly are on every level of your existence is the source of your endless joy and fulfillment.
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Attention Addiction - Seek Respect, not Attention!
People learn about many things at school but almost nothing about self-love and self-respect. When I look around, I see so many people desperately craving attention. The amount of your fame and mon...
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5 Thought-Provoking Ideas That Will Actually Help Your Healing
Most of you have no idea how to remain balanced in the midst of this burdening chaos of painful life lessons. But there is always a way through pain, and these 5 steps will help you get your energy...
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