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Discover the Power of Chakras: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to Understanding the Seven Energy Centers

Written by: Anna from StoryOfAwakening



Time to Read 16 min

All of us have this deep desire to achieve inner balance and harmony within ourselves because, in our current society, it is very common to feel disconnected from our emotions. Or to feel directionless and trapped in a repetitive cycle.

This is not our natural state of being, so we are always looking for a chance to heal and grow to get back in sync with our inner selves.
We all do this subconsciously, but becoming more aware and consciously seeking help to better ourselves is becoming more common for all humanity. And I love that!

That's where the seven chakra system could be of help to you.
This ancient system of energy centers in the body has been used for centuries to promote healing, balance, and spiritual growth. By understanding the chakras and how they relate to different aspects of your physical, emotional, and spiritual self, you can identify and release blockages that may be holding you back from your true potential.

In this article, we'll take a detailed overview of the seven chakras. We'll delve into the unique characteristics of each chakra and how they relate to different areas of our lives, from our sense of safety and security, creativity and spirituality, to the whole of society and the planet itself.

Whether you're new to the world of chakras or looking to deepen your understanding, this article will provide a comprehensive overview of the chakra system and how it can support your journey toward greater balance and well-being.ย 

So sit back, relax, and let's explore the fascinating world of chakras together.

Overview of Covered Topics

  1. An overview of the chakra system and its history
  2. The difference between a healthy and a blocked chakra
  3. A detailed overview of each of the seven chakras
  4. Identifying and releasing the most common chakra blockages and imbalances
  5. Chakras on a global scale

1. An Overview of the Chakra System and Its History

Chakras are energy centers in the body that are believed to govern different aspects of our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. The concept of chakras has been around for thousands of years and is rooted in ancient Indian spiritual traditions.

The chakra system is based on the idea that the human body has seven primary energy centers aligned along the spine, from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Each chakra is associated with a specific color, sound, element, and more and is believed to be connected to a different aspect of our being, such as emotions, thoughts, physical health, and spiritual growth.

The history of the chakra system can be traced back to the ancient Hindu scriptures known as the Vedas, written over 5,000 years ago. The earliest reference to the chakras can be found in the Upanishads, a collection of philosophical texts exploring the nature of consciousness and the universe.

The chakra system was further developed in the Tantric traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, which emerged around the 5th century. In these traditions, the chakras were seen as centers of spiritual power that could be activated and used to achieve higher levels of consciousness and spiritual realization.

The chakra system was also influenced by traditional Indian medicine, which recognized the importance of energy flow in the body for maintaining health and well-being. The chakras were seen as key centers for regulating the flow of energy, or prana, throughout the body.

Today, the concept of chakras has become widely popular in the Western world. Many people use practices like yoga, meditation, and energy healing to balance and activate their chakras for better physical and emotional health.

2. What Is the Difference Between a Healthy and a Blocked Chakra?

A healthy, balanced chakra is open and flowing, allowing the free flow of energy through the body. When a chakra is balanced, it is in a state of harmony with the other chakras, supporting the overall health and well-being of the individual.

For example, the root chakra, located at the base of the spine, is associated with grounding and stability, while the crown chakra, located at the top of the head, is associated with spiritual connection and higher consciousness.

On the other hand, a blocked chakra is not functioning properly, either due to a lack of energy flow or excess energy. Depending on which chakra is affected, this can result in physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms.

For example, a blocked root chakra can lead to feelings of insecurity and instability, while a blocked heart chakra can lead to difficulty forming intimate relationships and feeling disconnected from others. A blocked throat chakra can lead to difficulty expressing oneself, while a blocked crown chakra can lead to feelings of spiritual disconnection and confusion. ย 

3. A Detailed Overview of Each of the Seven Chakras

๐ŸŒˆRoot Chakra (Muladhara, which means root support)

  • Location: Base of the spine
  • Keywords: Grounding, support, structure, survival, safety, security, stability, health, and prosperity
  • Color: Red
  • Element: Earth
  • Sound: Lam
  • Crystal: Red Jasper, Bloodstone, Garnet
  • Blocking emotion: Fear
  • Mantras: I am grounded and secure; It is safe for me to be here; I live in abundance; I am worthy of being here.
  • Developing Time: Birth to 6 months (learning embodiment, how to live IN your body)

๐ŸŒˆSacral Chakra (Svadhisthana, which means one's own place)

  • Location: Lower abdomen, below the navel
  • Keywords: Creativity, flow, movement, sensuality, sexuality, emotions, feeling, pleasure, and enjoyment
  • Color: Orange
  • Element: Water
  • Sound: Vam
  • Crystal: Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Moonstone
  • Blocking emotion: Guilt
  • Mantras: I embrace pleasure and abundance; It is safe to feel my emotions; I listen to my feelings.
  • Developing Time: 6 months to 2 years (exploring the world through pleasure and pain, establishing emotional literacy and connection)

๐ŸŒˆSolar Plexus Chakra (Manipura, which means lustrous gem)

  • Location: Upper abdomen, near the diaphragm
  • Keywords: Personal power, will, self-esteem, confidence, energy, autonomy, effectiveness, and courage
  • Color: Yellow
  • Element: Fire
  • Sound: Ram
  • Crystal: Citrine, Tiger's Eye, Yellow Jasper
  • Blocking emotion: Shame
  • Mantras: I am confident and empowered; I honor the power within me; I know my purpose; I do things easily and effortlessly.
  • Developing Time: 18 months to 3 years (the terrible twos, learning impulse control, autonomy, and self-definition)

๐ŸŒˆHeart Chakra (Anahata, which means unhurt, unstruck, unbeaten)

  • Location: Center of the chest
  • Keywords: Love, compassion, relationships, connection, forgiveness, balance, and acceptance
  • Color: Green (or sometimes pink)
  • Element: Air
  • Sound: Yam
  • Crystal: Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Rhodonite
  • Blocking emotion: Grief
  • Mantras: I love and am loved; I am worthy of love; I live in balance with myself and others; I hold myself and others in compassion.
  • Developing Time: 3 to 7 years (learning who and how to be in order to be accepted and loved)

๐ŸŒˆThroat Chakra (Vishuddha, which means purification through speaking the truth)

  • Location: Throat
  • Keywords: Communication, listening, self-expression, truth, sound, vibration, and creativity
  • Color: Blue
  • Element: Ether (sometimes also referred to as space or sound)
  • Sound: Ham
  • Crystal: Blue Lace Agate, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli
  • Blocking emotion: Lies
  • Mantra: I express my truth with clarity; My voice and truth matter; I listen deeply to others; Creativity flows through me.
  • Developing Time: 7 to 10 years (learning to communicate and socialize)

๐ŸŒˆThird Eye Chakra (Ajna, which means the ability to receive and command)

  • Location: Center of the forehead, between the eyebrows
  • Keywords: Intuition, insight, imagination, wisdom, light, illumination, vision, dreaming, and remembering
  • Color: Indigo
  • Element: Light
  • Sound: Om or Aum
  • Crystal: Amethyst, Purple Fluorite, Lepidolite
  • Blocking emotion: Illusion
  • Mantras: I trust my intuition and inner wisdom; I see with clarity; I am open to the wisdom within.
  • Developing Time: Adolescence (establishing personal identity)

๐ŸŒˆCrown Chakra (Sahasrara, which means Thousand Fold)

  • Location: Top of the head
  • Keywords: Connection to the divine, spiritual awakening, consciousness, higher power, union, unity, thousand-petaled lotus, and wisdomย 
  • Color: Violet (or sometimes white)
  • Element: Consciousness
  • Sound: Silence or Om
  • Crystal: Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Selenite
  • Blocking emotion: Attachment
  • Mantras: I am one with the universe; I am awake and aware; All is one; I am guided by a higher intelligence.
  • Developing Time: from adulthood and after (assimilating knowledge and opening up to awareness)

4. Identifying and Releasing the Most Common Chakra Blockages and Imbalances

Stress or trauma can manifest as an energetic blockage in one or more of our chakras, causing the chakra to become deficient.ย 

On the other hand, excessive energy in a chakra can also occur due to overemphasizing a particular area of our lives, such as work or relationships.

Let's take a closer look at each chakra's main deficient and excessive energy expressions.

๐ŸŒˆRoot Chakra

The primary blockages are fear, insecurity, lack of grounding, and financial stress.

  • If you have a deficient chakra, you feel ungrounded, disconnected, fearful, anxious, or insecure. You may have a lack of energy or enthusiasm.
  • A person with an excessive chakra can be greedy, materialistic, controlling, or overly attached to security or possessions. It can manifest as physical symptoms such as weight gain or constipation.

You can balance this chakra by exercising or doing other physical activities you enjoy doing, like walking in the fresh air or yoga.ย 

Connecting with nature and grounding practices, like walking barefoot on grass or soil, are excellent for root chakra.ย 

Also, a meditation focusing on the root chakra and affirmations that reinforce a sense of security and stability are just right.

You can bring more red colors into your life with the help of clothing, accessories, or home decor.

Use the help of root chakras healing crystals - red jasper, bloodstone, and garnet. Wear them as jewelry, keep them in your pocket or purse, use them while meditating and doing yoga, or place them in your bedroom or home.

Try chanting "Lam" or saying mantras like "I am grounded and secure," "It is safe for me to be here," or "I live in abundance; I am worthy of being here."

๐ŸŒˆSacral Chakra

The primary blockages are sexual shame or guilt, emotional repression, creative blocks, and all sorts of addictions.

  • People with deficient chakra feel emotionally disconnected, uninspired, uncreative, or unable to enjoy any kind of pleasure. You may have low libido or difficulty with intimate relationships.
  • In the case of an excessive chakra, you tend to be overly emotional or attached, feel addicted or dependent on pleasure, or be unable to maintain healthy boundaries in relationships.ย 

You can balance this chakra by expressing your creativity, for example, painting or making music.ย 

Any kind of dancing is excellent for the second chakra.

Self-care practices that promote pleasure and sensuality are vital for this chakra.

What also helps are journaling, therapy or counseling, and affirmations that reinforce a sense of creativity and emotional balance.

You can bring more orange colors into your life with the help of clothing, accessories, or home decor.

Use the help of second chakra healing crystals - carnelian, orange calcite, and moonstone. Wear them as jewelry, keep them in your pocket or purse, use them while meditating and doing yoga, or place them in your bedroom or home.

Try chanting "Vam" or saying mantras like "I embrace pleasure and abundance," "It is safe to feel my emotions," and "I listen to my feelings."

๐ŸŒˆSolar Plexus Chakra

The main blockages are low self-esteem, shame, anxiety, and lack of confidence.

  • Deficient chakra means that you have low self-esteem, feel powerless, indecisive, or lack confidence. You may also have difficulty setting boundaries or asserting yourself.
  • In the case of excessive chakra, you can be overly aggressive, dominating, or controlling in relationships. You may have a rigid, perfectionistic attitude.ย 

You can release blockages and balance this chakra by challenging yourself to do something you have been putting off.

Setting and going through with achieving goals while harvesting your willpower can do wonders for this chakra.

Practicing self-compassion and self-acceptance, deep breathing exercises, and affirmations that reinforce a sense of personal power and confidence are also excellent ways to heal your solar plexus.

You can bring more yellow colors into your life with the help of clothing, accessories, or home decor.

Use the help of third chakra healing crystals - citrine, tiger's eye, and yellow jasper. Wear them as jewelry, keep them in your pocket or purse, use them while meditating and doing yoga, or place them in your bedroom or home.

Try chanting "Ram" or saying mantras like "I am confident and empowered," "I honor the power within me," "I know my purpose," and "I do things easily and effortlessly."

๐ŸŒˆHeart Chakraย 

Blockages of the fourth chakra are fear of rejection, grief, loneliness, and difficulty forgiving oneself or others.

  • Deficient heart chakra means that you are feeling unloved, disconnected, or unable to connect with others on an emotional level. You may feel isolated or lonely.
  • If you have an excessive heart chakra, you can be overly attached or possessive in relationships. You may have a tendency to give too much of yourself and neglect your own needs.ย 

You can heal this chakra by practicing self-compassion, self-love, forgiveness, and gratitude.

Spending time with loved ones and performing acts of kindness for them or others is an excellent way to balance your heart chakra.

You may also find help in heart-opening activities like yoga and affirmations that reinforce a sense of love and compassion.

You can bring more green and pink colors into your life with the help of clothing, accessories, or home decor.

Use the help of heart chakra healing crystals - rose quartz, green aventurine, and rhodonite. Wear them as jewelry, keep them in your pocket or purse, use them while meditating and doing yoga, or place them in your bedroom or home.

Try chanting "Yam" or saying mantras like "I love and am loved," "I am worthy of love," "I live in balance with myself and others," and "I hold myself and others in compassion."

๐ŸŒˆThroat Chakra

Throat chakra's main blockages are difficulty expressing yourself, fear of judgment or criticism, and dishonesty.

  • Deficient chakra means you have difficulty communicating or expressing yourself, feeling unheard, misunderstood, or disconnected from your voice and creativity.
  • Excessive throat chakra means you talk too much, dominate conversations, or speak without listening to others. It can also manifest as lying or manipulation.

How to heal and balance your fifth chakra?ย 

Start by speaking your truth and practicing active listening.

Try journaling, singing, or chanting.

Speak positive affirmations aloud and express yourself through creative outlets like writing or art.

You can bring more light blue colors into your life with the help of clothing, accessories, or home decor.

Use the help of throat chakra healing crystals - blue lace agate, sodalite, and lapis lazuli. Wear them as jewelry, keep them in your pocket or purse, use them while meditating and doing yoga, or place them in your bedroom or home.

Try chanting "Ham" or saying mantras like "I express my truth with clarity," "My voice and truth matter," "I listen deeply to others," and "Creativity flows through me."

๐ŸŒˆThird Eye Chakraย 

The primary blockages of our sixth chakra are the lack of clarity or intuition, difficulty making decisions, and skepticism.

  • Deficient chakra means you feel disconnected from intuition or inner wisdom, you are stuck in logic, or unable to trust your own perceptions.
  • Having an excessive sixth chakra means you are overly analytical or judgmental, disconnected from reality, or experiencing hallucinations or delusions.

Meditation, visualization exercises, and mindfulness can bring healing and balance back into your third eye.

Practice trusting intuition.

Go out there and expose yourself to new experiences.

Say affirmations that reinforce a sense of inner wisdom and intuition.

You can bring more indigo colors into your life with the help of clothing, accessories, or home decor.

Use the help of third eye chakra healing crystals - amethyst, purple fluorite, and lepidolite. Wear them as jewelry, keep them in your pocket or purse, use them while meditating and doing yoga, or place them in your bedroom or home.

Try chanting "Om/Aum" or saying mantras like "I trust my intuition and inner wisdom," "I see with clarity," and "I am open to the wisdom within."

๐ŸŒˆCrown Chakra

The main blockages of your seventh chakra are disconnection from spirituality, feeling lost or purposeless, and lack of faith or belief.

  • If you have a deficient crown chakra, you feel disconnected from spirituality, lacking purpose or meaning, and might be stuck in limited beliefs or thought patterns.
  • Excessive crown chakra expresses itself through being overly spiritual or disconnected from the physical world, feeling detached or ungrounded. It can also manifest as needing help with decision-making or practical tasks.

Things that help heal your crown chakra are meditation, yoga, and prayer.

Connecting with nature to connect with your true nature is perfect for your crown chakra.

Try regularly engaging in spiritual practices like gratitude and mindfulness.ย 

Use affirmations that reinforce a sense of connection to the divine or universe.

You can bring more violet and white colors into your life with the help of clothing, accessories, or home decor.

Use the help of crown chakra healing crystals - clear quartz, amethyst, and selenite. Wear them as jewelry, keep them in your pocket or purse, use them while meditating and doing yoga, or place them in your bedroom or home.

Try chanting "Om" or saying mantras like "I am one with the universe," "I am awake and aware," "All is one," and "I am guided by a higher intelligence."

While all the above suggestions can be helpful in releasing blockages and balancing chakras, it may also be beneficial to work with a therapist, energy healer, or other trained practitioner to fully release and heal chakra blockages. Some people find help from EFT tapping.

5. Chakras on a Global Scale

The well-being of each individual creates a ripple effect and affects the well-being of our society and the planet. We can heal the planet only if we heal ourselves first.ย 

Let's take a quick look at how your own personal inner work can help heal humanity and the planet.ย 

๐ŸŒˆRoot Chakra

The first chakra represents our relationship to the Earth and the protection of nature.ย 

When our root chakra is balanced, we feel grounded and connected to the Earth and learn to value our own health and that of our planet.ย 

That can lead to greater compassion and empathy for all living beings. This connection to the Earth can also inspire us to take action to protect and preserve the planet for future generations.

๐ŸŒˆSacral Chakra

On a global scale, the sacral chakra represents our connection to the Earth and society. Are you in touch with your own feelings and, through that, in touch with the world?

When our sacral chakra is balanced, we can tap into our creativity and express ourselves authentically. That can lead to greater innovation and collaboration with others.ย 

This creative expression can also inspire us to take action to make the world a more beautiful and vibrant place, whether through art, music, or other forms of creative expression.

๐ŸŒˆSolar Plexus Chakra

This chakra represents our relationship to power.ย 

The current world paradigm of power creates unhealthy division, which can be described as having "power over others." What the world truly needs is to replace the love of power with the power of love. Which is where humanity currently is at its developmental stage. We are growing beyond the third chakra and moving into the heart chakra.

When our solar plexus chakra is balanced, we can tap into our personal power and confidence. That inspires greater leadership and a sense of purpose. Instead of "power over others," it will be "power for all" through teamwork.

๐ŸŒˆHeart Chakra

The heart chakra represents our love and compassion for ourselves, other living beings, and our planet.ย 

That is the immense energetic shift humanity is currently going through. What can you do to bring more love into this world?

When our heart chakra is balanced, we feel unconditional love and compassion for all beings. We can connect with others on a profoundly deeper level. This can inspire us to create a world full of equality and justice, teamwork, empathy, compassion, and sustainability.

๐ŸŒˆThroat Chakra

This chakra represents our communication with others and living a life of truth.

By cultivating a balanced throat chakra, we can become more effective communicators and advocates for the planet and for social justice. We can use our words and actions to create positive change in the world by promoting environmental sustainability, social equality, and the well-being of all beings on the planet.

๐ŸŒˆThird Eye Chakra

Our sixth chakra represents our intuition, perception, and higher consciousness.

A balanced third eye helps us to see things clearly or to understand the bigger picture. We can become more attuned to the needs of the planet and our society and work towards a more harmonious and sustainable world. We know how to use our intuition and higher consciousness to guide us in making choices and taking actions that benefit everyone.

๐ŸŒˆCrown Chakra

The crown chakra represents our spiritual connection, enlightenment, and cosmic consciousness.

A balanced crown chakra helps us recognize that we are all connected and feel a sense of unity and oneness with the world around us. I am okay ONLY if you are okay. And vice versa.

We feel a deep sense of responsibility towards the environment and become motivated to take action to address environmental issues and promote sustainability.


In this article, we've taken a deep dive into the fascinating world of your seven chakras.

Whether you're feeling stuck in your creativity, struggling with your sense of self-worth, looking to deepen your spiritual practice, or dreaming of making our world a better place, the chakras offer a powerful framework for exploring and healing.

By understanding the unique characteristics of each chakra and how they interact, you can begin to identify and release blockages that may be holding you back from your true potential.ย 

By exploring and healing each of these energy centers, you can create a life that is truly aligned with your highest purpose and deepest desires. And through that, help heal your families, societies, and our Mother Earth.

Wish you the best of healing!

With love,



This was very interesting!!


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