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12 Quick Menu Changes for Major Health Benefits

Written by: Anna from StoryOfAwakening



Time to Read 6 min

In the crazy rhythm of everyday life, making health-conscious decisions about your eating habits often takes a backseat.

Yet, so much of the power to transform your well-being lies in your seemingly mundane choices at the dining table.

Imagine if small tweaks to your daily menu could lead to significant improvements in your overall health. 

That sounds intriguing, doesn't it?

The truth is that incorporating healthier alternatives into your diet doesn't have to be a monumental task. 

In fact, with just 12 simple adjustments, you can pave the way towards a more vibrant and energetic lifestyle.

From swapping out refined white sugar for better alternatives to enriching your meals with a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, each change is a stepping stone towards optimizing your well-being.

This article will guide you through 12 easy yet impactful modifications you can make to your menu. These changes are not only straightforward but also enjoyable, ensuring that your journey to better health is as delightful as it is beneficial.

Let's take a quick look at how these steps can lead to major health victories and set you on a path to a healthier, happier you.

Some Small Changes Lead to Great Results

1) White Sugar

Replace white sugar with organic honey or at least brown sugar, which has a bit more nutritional value than white sugar. Watch out for hidden sugars in, well, everything you buy from the store. Sugar or sweeteners are added to foods you couldn't even imagine.

Healthier sugars have more nutritional value and a lower Glycemic Index (GI). That is especially important for women and, even more importantly, for some women who have trouble getting pregnant.

Excessive consumption of refined sugar is linked to various health issues, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, digestive issues, tooth decay, hormonal issues, and much more.

2) White Table Salt

Replace white table salt with a healthier version, like sea salt or Himalayan pink salt, which can contain up to 84 minerals and trace elements. Iodized salt is also an excellent choice, especially since it is quite difficult to get iodine from food nowadays.

Healthier salt options are usually more natural and do not contain these additives. They also have enhanced flavor, meaning you need to use less. This can lead to a lower overall sodium intake, which is beneficial for blood pressure and heart health.

3) White Flour

Replace white flour with whole wheat flour, almond or coconut flour, oat or quinoa flour, or, better yet, with gluten-free flour or a flour mix.

Unlike white flour, which is refined and stripped of beneficial components, healthier flours, such as those made from whole grains, nuts, or seeds, retain more of their natural nutrients.

The increased fiber content in healthier flours supports good digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements and feeding beneficial gut bacteria. Fiber can also help to prevent constipation and may play a role in reducing the risk of colon cancer, and contributes to a feeling of fullness after eating. This can help with portion control and weight management, as it may reduce the likelihood of overeating.

Whole grains and alternative flours have a lower glycemic index compared to white flour, meaning they cause a slower rise in blood sugar levels.

4) Gluten

If there's too much gluten in your menu (which is usually true nowadays), switch to gluten-free alternatives, such as flour, bread, cereal, flakes, etc.

Gluten is a surprisingly big culprit that causes a lot of damage to our health when over-consumed. Many people have serious digestive issues, skin conditions, fatigue and brain fog, joint and muscle pain, or migraines because of it.

My six-month period of daily migraines stopped within a week of removing gluten from my menu.

5) Fats and Oils

Story of Awakening Spiritual Awakening Healthy Good Fats Oils

Start using healthy fats and oils, like extra virgin olive oil, which has a myriad of amazing health benefits. 

Coconut oil, avocados, and nuts are also extremely healthy additions to your menu. 

I make sure I add some source of good fats to everything I make for my family, from warm foods to salads to smoothies, etc. Just to make sure we get the fat-soluble vitamins from every food we consume.

6) Cow Milk

Replace cow milk with high-quality plant-based milk. 

Modern cow milk is so overprocessed and overconsumed that any health benefits it used to have are gone.

Only fermented dairy products are still worthy of consumption. 

Though plant-based milk has many nutritional benefits over regular milk, the biggest one is the environmental impact. 

The reduced environmental footprint of production contributes to a sustainable diet that supports planetary health.

7) Water

Drink enough water! Set up a habit tracker if you need to. 

Water is involved in everything your body does, making sure the good things get where they need to go in your body and the bad things get out.

8) Fruits and Vegetables

Bring back as many fruits and vegetables as you possibly can to your menu. 

They are abundant in vitamins and minerals that support a multitude of bodily functions, high in dietary fiber, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy digestive system, and are loaded with antioxidants, which protect you against certain cancers, cardiovascular disease, and many other diseases.

9) Sweets

Story of Awakening Spiritual Awakening Healthy Good Sweets

If you crave sweets, choose fruits, honey, or dark chocolate. 

If your diet is well-balanced and your gut is healthy, these sweets are actually enough to satisfy your cravings. 

Your body doesn't ask for more. 

If it does, it means you have "unwanted passengers" on board in your digestive system and body, meaning you have candida overgrowth or excessive amount of parasites. They are the ones asking for these cakes and candies that you know are anything but good for you.

10) Legumes

Remember to add beans, peas, and other legumes to your menu. 

Legumes are an excellent source of protein, making them an important dietary component, especially for vegetarians and vegans. They are also rich in many vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. 

Their low glycemic index also makes them suitable for individuals managing diabetes.

11) Coffee

Try to reduce coffee consumption if you can. 

That one was hard for me, too. But I mixed it up. 

I added yerba mate tea ("green tea on steroids") and mushroom coffee (like Four Sigmatic) to my daily habits. 

So, no more overconsumption, and hello to significant health benefits from those new drinks.

12) Vegan

So, one last thing. 

Though I fully support going vegan, I do not support doing it lightly. You must be prepared to really really put in the work and learn deeply about how to make sure you get everything your body needs from your menu. Please hire a nutritionist and take regular health check-ups. 

Especially when children are involved and, at least in the beginning, are unable to voice their own needs and decisions.

For example, I decided to take the middle road with my family. 

I took the time and studied to become a nutritionist, not to work as one, but to educate myself to make better decisions for my family. 

So, when it comes to meat, I made sure it was always there if someone felt they needed it. Mostly fish and poultry, less red meat. And to be honest, over time, I noticed that my whole family naturally leaned more toward fish and poultry, and meals from red meat became less and less popular. 

Most of my kids are teenagers now, but I still make sure that everyone gets to choose their own path when it comes to food.

Every human body is unique, and it is more about learning to listen to what your body needs and asks for and provide healthy solutions. 

But that is just my humble opinion. Everybody has to make up their own mind.

Final Thoughts

Transforming your health through your diet doesn't necessarily mean a radical change in your eating habits. Instead, it's the small, manageable changes that can have the most profound impact.

By making these 12 simple adjustments to your menu—from reducing your intake of processed ingredients like white sugar, salt, and flour to increasing the presence of whole, nutrient-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables—you're not just altering your meals. You're reshaping your life.

Each of these tweaks brings you a step closer to improved vitality, enhanced well-being, and a deeper connection with the food you consume.

Remember, the journey toward better health is a marathon, not a sprint. It's about making consistent, sustainable choices that add up over time. Start small, stay committed, and watch as these seemingly minor adjustments blossom into a healthier, more vibrant you.

The power to redefine your health is in your hands, one meal at a time.

To wiser days and enlightened ways,



Consuling how our diet use is interesting benfetial keepup.

Aklilu Teklebrhan Teddla

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