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Article: Free January 2024 Horoscope for 12 Zodiac Signs

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope January

Free January 2024 Horoscope for 12 Zodiac Signs

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Aries

Aries get ready for a career jump with the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11, which presents a new professional chapter rooted in the ongoing transformation of your status, work, or future goals.
Uranus makes an aspect to the New Moon and suggests rapid development of deferred financial matters or ways to profit. The necessary changes may stress you out, but they are liberating.
Mercury now direct will re-enter this area on the 14th and you can catch up on meetings and discussions from early Dec.

January's event is Pluto knocking on your social area from the 21st and setting the beginning of 20 years of intense changes in terms of friendships, public image, and your connection to the collective. The truths about a group or friendship will be unearthed and some old friendships may be amputated.
A new, more authentic environment will emerge with a possible increase in social power or a clearer view of the dynamics in the community and where you fit in.

The Full Moon in Leo on the 25th in Aries self-expression area is in aspect with noble Jupiter and can provide a boost of opportunities and prospects for big profits and investments as early as April when Jupiter and Uranus will meet in the area of personal resources.

*** Dragon Year 2024 Horoscope ***

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Taurus
Well Taurus, jump on new fresh beginning with foreign matters during Jan 11th New Moon in Capricorn.
Uranus is in harmonious aspect to this New Moon and encourages you to make bold investments in travel, education, long-distance romantic adventures, or publishing. Start small, but don't hesitate to go after something new.
Mercury will enter this zone after the 14th and will move on to the issues and meetings postponed at the beginning of December with clarity and awareness.

Pluto enters Aquarius on Jan 21st in your professional area and will remain there for 20 years to transform your career, public status, attitude to power, and future goals. Roles that are not authentic will break down and the business that people know you by will change completely. You may face truths of corruption and manipulation in your professional life.

The Full Moon in Leo on the 25th in the Taurus home area will illuminate a turning point through an opportunity that you initiated and will exceed your expectations as early as April.
A new business, a move to a new home, or news of welcoming a new family member can be officially confirmed.

*** Dragon Year 2024 Horoscope ***

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Gemini

The New Moon in Capricorn on Jan 11th enters into Gemini's shared resources area and brings a deep cleansing, awareness, or uncovering of a secret that turns a new page on what you share or owe. The New Moon is in aspect with Uranus, suggesting some sudden shifts in debt, taxes, loans, partner finances, intimacy, or psychological issues.
Mercury would steadily re-enter this area on the 14th and big talks from the beginning of Dec are back on the table.

Starting Jan 21st, Pluto will be in your opportunity area for the next 20 years ready to initiate a transformation process in the fields of education, travel, legal affairs, or publishing. Outdated knowledge, experiences, and beliefs would vanish to be replaced by challenging but ultimately liberating adventures. Relationships with foreigners and cultures different from yours will shatter your ideas about the world and you will grow from there.

The Full Moon in Leo on the 25th in the Gemini communication area provides a bold response or message that can ignite hopes or encourage you to sign something potential that comes to vivid fruition in April when Jupiter meets Uranus.

*** Dragon Year 2024 Horoscope ***

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Cancer

Cancers get casual for the New Moon in Capricorn on Jan 11th in your partnership area as it points to the emergence of authenticity regarding the dynamic in the relationship. A new link or a new chapter in an existing personal or business engagement will reflect how your approach partnerships. In some cases, a new situation in a partner's life may be presented. The New Moon is in aspect with Uranus, which helps to incorporate change, renewal, and flaws awareness.
After the 14th keep going with conversations from the beginning of Dec.

On Jan 21st, Pluto enters your shared resources area and begins a 20-year process of deep plowing into others' money, debt, intimacy, sex, and psychological issues. Old and inherited traumas can surface and while this may not be a pleasant feeling, it will eventually trigger a liberating cleansing. Intimacy in relationships will increase, but only if you are ready for complete frankness, otherwise jealousy and fear of loss will bloat.

The month ends with a Full Moon in Leo on the 25th in the Cancer personal resources area and illuminates results involving earned money and values. Expansion of taxes, financial gifts, and problems in trust can be provoked by surprising public actions.

*** Dragon Year 2024 Horoscope ***

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Leo

The New Moon in Capricorn on Jan 11th in Leo's daily life area presents a new page that involves a significant change in health or duties. Old habits will be discarded to build new foundations.
The New Moon aspect Uranus in your professional area, adding a new approach to your career. A new unexpected source of income, attitude towards material goods, or values will ensure that the decisions you make are as effective as possible.
Be aware to finish undone documents and meetings after the 14th when Mercury re-enters this area to remind you of business info from the beginning of Dec.

Are you ready for relationship changes Leos, as Pluto enters Aquarius in your partnership area from the 21st, and will bring major changes for the next 20 years transforming your marriage life. Key relationships will be permanently changed, and this could mean the end or an entirely new version of the current relationship.
Watch for major changes in your partner's life. For some, an intense new relationship with an influential, magnetic individual may begin - you will often encounter the control you project over others.

The Full Moon in your sign on the 25th is a time to see results and conclusions in a personal or business commitment. Optimism or generous promises can pump up these results and surprisingly affect your career in April.

*** Dragon Year 2024 Horoscope ***

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Virgo

You'll be ready to start a new chapter in your love life Virgos, as the Jan 11th New Moon in Capricorn encourages small but significant steps forward in the areas of a new romantic interest, creative work, children, or pregnancy. A new door is open that strengthens your commitment to what you want while clearing away old delusions and limitations. Only your most realistic potential will survive these endeavors.
Mercury is turning back in this area after the 14th to complete what you failed to manage in Dec.

January event is on set on the 21st when Pluto enters Aquarius, your daily life area, and begins a 20-year process of transformation in health, work, or service to others. Big changes will be felt in your immediate environment, and sometimes this can mean a change of workplace or in the care of your body routines. A great time to rethink your habits and do some preventive measures.

The month ends with a Full Moon in Leo on the 25th in the Virgo hidden area and highlights secret or fuzzy information that helps you see a new perspective in profiting from creative pursuits. Make the most of the intuition you receive.

*** Dragon Year 2024 Horoscope ***

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Libra

On Jan 11th, Libra can see potential in a new chapter at home with the New Moon in Capricorn there, triggering family dynamics. A move or formal change in home business may be present. The New Moon is in aspect to Uranus, signaling positive changes in plans happening behind the scenes.
Whatever you didn't finish at the beginning of Dec can be restarted after the 14th when Mercury enters home again.

Pluto enters Aquarius for 20 years on Jan 21st and your self-expression begins a transformation journey. Areas related to romantic relationships, creativity, and children are ready for an update. Revelations about talent, who you really are, and what you want to express will result from confronting ego issues. In the beginning, love affairs can be obsessive, and artistic endeavors can represent parts of you that you didn't know existed or had fears to reveal.

The Full Moon in Leo on Jan 25th highlights Libra's social area and suggests a big public appearance driven by confidence or willingness to take risks. A formal conclusion or announcement may be presented.

*** Dragon Year 2024 Horoscope ***

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Scorpio

The New Moon in Capricorn on Jan 11th falls in the Scorpio communication area and involves a profound response, realization, or message. What comes to light now will have a deeper level of credibility as you say goodbye to an outdated script. The New Moon is in aspect to Uranus, which can bring surprising news or new understanding that improves social connections and image.
Mercury re-enters this area with information from the beginning of Dec and asks you to finish undone tasks.

January's number one event is the entrance of Pluto into your home area on the 21st starting 20 years of major transformation in your family foundations and relationships. You can speak loudly about moving, changing family dynamics, or unearthing childhood issues. This can initially make you feel quite vulnerable as something has to go and make room for the new. But the result will make you stronger, more honest, more grounded, and in deeper connection with your strengths.

The Full Moon in Leo on the 25th in the Scorpio career area will highlight an achievement or professional expansion in the context of your future path and as early as April you will see progress in personal and business relationships.

*** Dragon Year 2024 Horoscope ***

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Sagittarius

On Jan 11th, the New Moon in Capricorn, begin a start fresh in the field of personal resources. This will involve a deeper transformation that has been activated - moving to a new source of income or reconstructing how you value yourself. The New Moon is in aspect with Uranus, favoring windfall gains, a push forward on your current projects, or a new approach to security and values. Career changes will enable this by boosting self-esteem.
After the 14th get your work done and catch up with meetings postponed in the beginning of Dec.

Pluto will enter the Sagittarius communication area on the 21st for 20 years of transformation in the areas of learning, or relationships with siblings. Outdated ideas will be uprooted to be replaced by radically new truths. In some cases, there can be a big change in a brother's or sister's life.

The Full Moon in Leo on the 25th falls into the Sagittarius foreign matters area and brings results in travel, education, distance romance, or publishing. A big promise or expectation could be in place, and the doors open for new work potentials fully unfolding in April.

*** Dragon Year 2024 Horoscope ***

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Capricorn

The New Moon in your sign on Jan 11th is your change in the dynamics and offers a formal development of a new endeavor that enhances your power while purging the last pieces of your outdated identity or lifestyle. This new chapter will connect you directly to what you want. The New Moon aspect to Uranus and encourages you to explore fresh new territory related to creativity, romance, children.
Mercury will return to your sign on Jan 14 and you can resume business conversations from the beginning of Dec.

On Jan 21st, Pluto exits your sign for the next 2 centuries (except for the 2 months in this fall) and will enter your personal resources area for the better. A 20-year period of transformation begins in terms of your earned income, values, and self-esteem. There might be a new source of profit, but beyond that, there will be deeper changes in possessions, investments, and self-esteem.

The Full Moon in Leo on the 25th falls into Capricorn's shared resources area and illuminates a decision involving other's finances, taxes, debt intimacy, or psychological issues. You may be tempted to invest big, spend more, or expect more, and these decisions will affect material investments in April.

*** Dragon Year 2024 Horoscope ***

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Aquarius

The New Moon in Capricorn on the 11th will cut Aquarius off the world for a bit, as you need to recharge for your new personal year. Leave unnecessary things, fears, and traumas in the past. At the end of an old story, an old self would be presented. Understanding the effect of the past on your life is possible even if it is simply an agreement with yourself that something must let go forever. The New Moon is in aspect with Uranus, which will strengthen your intuition and fast realizations.
You can resume talks from the beginning of Dec as Mercury re-enters this zone on Jan 14th for bold conversations.

On Jan 21st, Pluto enters your sign for a 20-year process of deep transformation that will completely eradicate old roles, your appearance, and your behavior. The false in you would be suppressed or exposed. The process can be difficult because it is an accelerated evolution, but in the end you will see a new, completely authentic, and independent image.

Partnership decisions will be made during the Full Moon in Leo on the 25th. It signals a turning point in Aquarius commitments or relationships with others. Jupiter in aspect to the Full Moon brings promising developments at home, but faith and optimism will be required in the future results available as early as April.

*** Dragon Year 2024 Horoscope ***

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Pisces
Pisces get ready for a new chapter during the Capricorn New Moon on the 11th that reveals more about you and hidden dynamics around a group or friendship circle. Watch for an increase in your power and authenticity - superficial relationships will not be a part of this new year. The New Moon is in aspect to Uranus favoring an unusual encounter with a person who changes the events and opens the door to new social connections or a public image.
Bring back conversations from the beginning of Dec as on Jan 14th Mercury re-enters this area again for official document signing and conclusions.

Pluto will enter Aquarius on Jan 21st, and your subconscious will begin 20 years of unearthing hidden confrontations with power and control. Although this transformation will not be overt, trust that what is happening behind the scenes is preparing you for a big change when Pluto enters your sign after 2 decades. What ends or falls away lightens your load in preparation for this massive change.

The Full Moon in Leo on Jan 25th falls into Pisces's daily life area and brings results involving health, work environment, colleagues, or service to others. Promises or hopes for development will be driving factors in your choices, decisions, and conclusions.

*** Dragon Year 2024 Horoscope ***

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