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Article: Free December 2023 Horoscope for 12 Zodiac Signs

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope December

Free December 2023 Horoscope for 12 Zodiac Signs

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Aries

December dynamics in Aries shared resources area will depend on expectations related to debts, taxes, partner's finances or intimacy.
Venus is in tense aspect with Pluto and Jupiter on Dec 3rd and 10th, and the results surrounding a financial opportunity you want to realize can reach a satisfying stage where your personal income expands. Control issues or fear of losing foreign resources may be involved.

On the 21st, Venus will oppose Uranus and you can experience a turning point as a partner or competitor challenges your emerging values. An ending or outcome involving finances or psychological revelations can feel devastating, but it's a reflection of your new sense of security.

Meanwhile, the Dec 13th Sagittarius New Moon falls into the realm of possibilities and presents a promising strategy for travel, education, legal matters, publishing, or spiritual practice.
But before you take a bold leap into the future, be patient Aries, as Mercury Retrograde in your professional area indicates a postponement of work matters, as negotiations with management are required. Engagement future terms might be rewritten or you can reconnect with a past job opportunity.

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Taurus

Taurus, your ruler Venus is in her whirlwind the whole month.
On the 3rd and 10th it will make a tense aspect to Pluto and Jupiter from your partnership area, which points to a powerful and hopeful turning point in a relationship. The person opposite you will offer an all-consuming note of love, affection, and pure romance, and know that you have attracted this scenario because of the tremendous change and rebirth in your inner self.

Don't relax though Venus will be in opposition to Uranus in Taurus on the 21st and could bring about a sudden conclusion and ending. The liberation and upheavals in your life will be reflected by the other's reaction - their values may not be compatible with your general changes.

The New Moon in Sagittarius on Dec 13th falls in your shared resources area and presents the opportunity to develop new optimistic strategies related to debts, taxes, loans, your partner's finances, intimacy, or psychological problems.
But be prepared for adjustments and changes in plan, as Mercury Retrograde swirls into your opportunities area and signals delays and reviews in travel, education, legal matters, and foreign contacts. You may be rethinking news from afar, or a conversation from the past needs more time to be clarified.

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Gemini

Take it slow, Gemini, because December kicks off with challenging aspects from Venus on the 3rd and 10th in your daily life area, and it could boost your desire to take care of some work or health responsibilities. On the other hand, there might be positive opportunities to stabilize a medical or employment issue that requires funding.

Venus will finalize its fiasco with an opposition to Uranus on the 21st, causing disturbing moments on the above topics through sudden reversals and unexpected changes in plans.

The mood will still be festive from Dec 13th with the New Moon in Sagittarius setting a fresh start in your partnerships, suggesting that exciting engagements could be set in motion.
However, there will be a change in plans and delays as your ruler Mercury goes retrograde in your shared resources area and points to a deeper consideration of debts, taxes, and partner finances.
Conversations you've been avoiding may return and require a revisit. Wait for the final conclusions until early January, because at this stage there will be a lack of information, and your opinion will change several times.

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Cancer

It seems that creativity and romance will be the main focus for Cancers in December.
Venus aspects to your self-expression area on the 3rd and 10th suggest favorable but exaggerated results. Social contact can cause tension with obsessive overtones.

Venus will whirl in opposition to Uranus on the 21st and shock you with a result that aims to bring something liberating and exciting to the love horizon. However, a current infatuation can be abruptly interrupted in an unpredictable way. Maybe it's time to let go of the expectations of others.

During the New Moon in Sagittarius on Dec 13th, a new healthy regime or approach to habits, the organization of work projects, or a phase of relationships with colleagues from the past can be launched in your daily life.
Relationships and plans may not follow a straight line, as Mercury Retrograde will be in your partnership area until the 23rd, indicating a postponement or repetition of engagement discussions. A change of mind or feelings of or towards a partner is a possibility and will require discussion. You could also reconnect with someone from the past but know that it won't last long. Mercury will return to your work area again in the last week of December to correct a hidden error.

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Leo

You're set to kick off December in a family setting Leo, as Venus in your home area aspects Pluto and Jupiter at 3rd and 10th. You may want or receive more, based on career or authority issues. Note that high expectations are possible even if you get a good result.

Household expenses could increase manifold, and in an unexpected way, as Venus will be in opposition to Uranus on the 21st and will give a sharp conclusion to investment plans. This will be based on radical changes in your career, an expression of authority, or future goals. Relationships at home can be sharply shaken and clarified.

The New Moon in Sagittarius on Dec 13th falls in Leo's self-expression area and will bring optimistic and wise new scenarios around passion, creative work, or children. It's about looking at your beliefs and what you want for yourself and connecting them to your personal desires or talents.
And to keep from slacking off you start with tedious finishing commitments as Mercury goes retrograde in your daily life and requires a closer look and focus on topics related to your health, work, or obligations to others. Adjustments might be necessary and solutions may be revealed by repeated discussions and information reviews.

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Virgo

On the 3rd and 10th, Venus aspects to Pluto and Jupiter in Virgo's communication area will amplify messages of love and affection, or could signal some very good news. You might overpromise in a fit of enthusiasm, but that's not always a bad thing. This is a highly idealistic influence that heightens expectations of what you receive or how others will react to your words.

Venus will oppose Uranus on the 21st and present a surprising answer or outcome. Clarity comes in the form of a shock, as external events (including a sudden change in belief) challenge you to expand your vision beyond your country's borders.

It is time to build new beliefs about relationships with relatives during the Sagittarius New Moon on Dec 13th in your home. Enter a broader and optimistic strategy on family matters - business or buying, or selling property. But don't jump to conclusions, and prepare like a typical Virgo.
Your nerves will be a little strained because your ruler Mercury goes retrograde in your self-expression area and asks you to rethink romantic interest, a creative project, or a commitment with children. Projects in these areas can be put on hold while you take a closer look at the facts and information needed to proceed.

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Libra

Ask and you shall receive is the motto of Libra in December, and your ruler Venus in your personal resources area will offer the resources you need.
At the 3rd you are challenged to overcome a fear of loss, and at the 10th there might be a financial gift and the opportunity to gain a reward. However, it will be easy to spend or give too much, so keep an eye on the balance between expectations and reality.

Venus will continue the dynamic with the opposition to Uranus on the 21st and may lead to disruptions in material plans and security. Deeper changes or a sudden break in relationships can push you to complete self-sufficiency or to a radical values redefinition.

During the Dec 13th Sagittarius New Moon in your communication area, you may open your eyes to exciting new knowledge, training, communication with other cultures, and useful contacts. Stay tuned for a new upbeat solution or discussion related to writing, music, and education.
Even if you're in the mood for new ventures Libra, you'll have to wait, as Mercury Retrograde kicks off in your home, suggesting you return to a family discussion from the past, to review rental, purchase-sale, or related documents with displacement. The repair delays are necessary to fix a hidden bug made in late November.

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Scorpio

You are at the center of events in December, Scorpios, as Venus is most active in your sign.
Passionate and optimistic partnership results are at the fore on the 10th, encouraging you to dream big with a future perspective, but before that on the 3rd, trust will be challenged. Some of these results will be exaggerated and you may project control issues onto your partner. A relationship will involve lasting transformation and confirmation of specific beliefs.

Venus will continue to keep you on edge with the opposition to Uranus on the 21st, and a partner's action turning point or competitor will catch you off guard. A sudden attraction or change in the direction of union is a reflection of how your relationship approach is changing.

It's time for a new chapter in your income area with the Dec 13th Sagittarius New Moon ushering in unusual new strategies. A new source of money or a way to express your self-worth may become available.
But before then, communication will be ambiguous, messages or transport delayed, as Mercury turns retrograde and encourages a slower, more deliberate approach as you send and prepare documents. Meetings with close friends, acquaintances, or contacts from the past could be canceled for later.

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Sagittarius

December begins with hidden dynamics and a desire to break away from the world, Sagittarius, as aspects from Venus in your hidden area push you towards spiritual growth and a break from the past.
News on the 3rd and 10th can bring a reality check that sees you question your ethics and faith while permanently transforming your concept of what is desirable.

Venus will continue her crazy dance on the 21st in opposition to Uranus, presenting a secret relationship or sudden infatuation. Major changes in your health, daily life, or obligations to others free you from old ways of dealing with problems. What you thought you wanted can change dramatically.

The New Moon in Sagittarius on Dec 13th is your restart for the upcoming year. A future vision opens your eyes to solutions or optimistic patterns pointing the way forward. Stay tuned for a new reliable strategy to help you deal with relationship or lifestyle issues.
You've probably already made big purchases and investment plans, Sagittarius, but it's time to revisit them as Mercury turns retrograde in your personal resources area. It is assumed that missing information regarding money, valuables, or security requires research if you want to come to light. A good time to negotiate financial matters, but perhaps not the best time to make final decisions.

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Capricorn

In December, Venus touches Pluto and Jupiter from the Capricorn social area and indicates a powerful and positive outcome involving friendships, romantic relationships, or the expression of your talent and creativity.
On 10th is an excellent time to boost your public image, but beware of excessive social display or loss of control on Dec 3rd.

On the 21st, Venus opposes Uranus, and you might get a sudden wake-up call that prompts you to express yourself uniquely or take a risk and connect with a completely different personality.

It's time to put your inner world in order with the New Moon in Sagittarius on Dec 13th and finish all the procrastination. You may receive secret news or intuitive insights. A decision or belief is not logical, but follow the path of least resistance anyway and see where it leads.
New year’s preparation may already be bubbling in your head, but as Mercury turns retrograde in your sign, it's better to brace yourself for adjustments while necessary delays in plans and commitments take place. This can be frustrating at first glance, but you need to make sure that the information you have is fully aligned with your future goals.

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Aquarius

Aquarius, your professional image is in passionate flux with aspects of Venus in your career area throughout December.
Positive results or gains on the 3rd and 10th (not only financial) are assumed. A relationship or issue with your public image can develop quite nicely as you draw with your influence. In some cases, a major home event can permanently redefine what you want in your future goals.

On the 21st, Venus opposing Uranus offers a surprising shift, and the current twists and turns at home will lead to this - watch for a sudden end or turn in direction, even a literal change of residence through property investment.

The New Moon in Sagittarius on Dec 13th is a new change in your social area, which will acquaint you with new people from different groups, who will offer you a development of your public image. This is the time to blend in with others in a united or friendly activity or team up with contacts from abroad.
But you'll be more into resting than socializing, as Mercury goes retrograde in your hidden area and can tear you away from public responsibilities and commitments. Use the time to recover and get some well-deserved rest. Reassess what has the potential to remain in 2024 and what should end and become a memory.

Story of Awakening Lifestyle Community Spirituality Relationships Love Light Meditation Oneness Earth Balance Healing Shop Store Charity Tree Nature Read Write Horoscope Pisces

For you, Pisces, December has prepared passionate dynamics in long-distance relationships.
Venus's tense aspects to Pluto and Jupiter on the 3rd and 10th have the potential for optimistic but exaggerated results in romance, travel, education, or legal matters. A dream can thrive but requires you to retrain yourself to reach it.

On the 21st, Venus will oppose Uranus and suggest a sudden change. New possibilities may seem unreal before they fully manifest. А shocking decisions or revelations can radically adjust your perspective and views.

Start something new in your professional life with the New Moon in Sagittarius on Dec 13th. An opportunity may be available that opens up room for abundant career growth. Pay attention to fresh strategies or plans because they can point you toward expansive developments on the horizon. Excellent for starting a new job, or business or making changes to your professional image. Take a deep breath, Pisces, and be patient, because things are not what they seem.
But don't lose hope, as Mercury retrograde in your social area will help you discover missing, hidden, or fraudulent information that was brought to you at the end of November.

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