November 2024 Horoscope for 12 Zodiac Signs
Time to Read 10 min
Time to Read 10 min
ARIES, The New Moon in Scorpio on Nov 1st opens a door for a new beginning in Aries' shared resources area and, in aspect with Saturn, will ground you emotionally while providing solid reassurance about financial matters you don't have complete control over.
However, Mars in your home area makes the first of three oppositions to Pluto, signaling a major career-ending or culmination.
During the Full Moon in Taurus on Nov 15th, Uranus will provoke tension in your personal resources area, shocking you with a sudden prompt that encourages you to attend to earnings and savings. There is a familiar theme conclusion that is pushed in a planned direction.
At the same time, Saturn in Pisces ends its retrograde phase in the hidden area, and the sense of progress in the ongoing dissolution of an outdated tradition will be palpable. Invisible guilt, obligations, or limitations will slowly but surely drive you forward as you are forced to leave something behind.
Mercury turns retrograde in your opportunity area on Nov 26th and takes you back to a previous issue involving travel, education, legal matters, or publishing.
TAURUS, On Nov 1st, during the New Moon in Scorpio, a new chapter begins in the relationships area, and together with the support of Saturn, social and partnership rules will be reinforced.
But Mars in the communication area will make the first of three challenging oppositions with Pluto, which presents a heated argument, an intense message, or an understanding that provokes discussions with those close to you.
The Taurus Full Moon on Nov 15th conjuncts Uranus and sees you juggling between sudden partnership developments and a desire for freedom from formal rules and responsibilities. You may initiate an abrupt end or sharp turn.
Also, it could signal a breakthrough that clarifies exactly where you are in your professional and personal life.
At the same time, Saturn in Pisces turns directly into your social area and points to moving forward with a clearer understanding of who your true friends are and what their responsibilities are. Ending a friendship or association with a group clears out toxic influences so that only those you can truly rely on remain.
Mercury turns retrograde on Nov 26th in your shared resources area, taking you back to a previous conversation or exploration involving money, intimacy, or psychological issues. You may need to renegotiate finances or what is owed before moving forward.
GEMINI, The New Moon in Scorpio on the first day of the month presents a new chapter in your daily life area and, in aspect with Saturn, will increase discipline in work or self-care. Professional goals will be readily available.
However, Mars, in the personal resources area, will make the first (of three) tense opposition to Pluto, suggesting a financial struggle or a challenge involving a dictatorship.
On Nov 15th, during the Full Moon in Taurus in Gemini's hidden area, a surprising problem can be revealed as a complex information, error regarding health, routine, or service to others. This will involve a reality check about how far you can go.
Saturn in Pisces goes direct on the same day in your professional area and indicates moving forward with a career goal, new job, or inevitable conclusion. Increased responsibilities can feel like rewards (more power, solid results) or like a burden.
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius kicks off on Nov 26th in your partnership area and could see you rekindle a commitment conversation, renegotiate your relationship vision, or see another direction.
CANCER, The New Moon in Scorpio on Nov 1st opens a new chapter in Cancer's self-expression area along with the aspect to Saturn confirming a creative or romantic goal.
But Mars in Cancer will make the first of three oppositions to Pluto that provide a pretty brutal power struggle with another as you are forced to react or defend yourself. Full awareness is key – pay attention to what you may be projecting onto another.
During the Taurus Full Moon on Nov 15th, your social area will be illuminated by a sudden revelation or an unexpected reaction to what you present to friends and groups. You may feel stuck between wanting to show your authentic self and fearing the consequences of following a rule.
On the same day, Saturn in Pisces goes direct in your opportunity area and provides the next step in an ongoing upgrade, and development around travel, education, legal matters, or publishing. Work continues at the current pace as you determine your next steps to achieve a plan or clarify a belief.
As Mercury turns retrograde on Nov 26th in your daily life area, you'll revisit health, work, or service issues as you return to an adjustment or search for missing information.
LEOS, The month kicks off with a New Moon in Scorpio on the 1st and presents a fresh start in Leo's home area. Family matters can be stabilized by acquiring finances from a new location or a disciplined focus on the past.
Boundaries will be set, but Mars in the hidden area makes the first of three tense oppositions to Pluto, signaling difficulties with health, routine, or obligations to others.
The Full Moon in Taurus on Nov 15th in your professional area will signal a major career culmination that comes suddenly because it coincides with the planet of change Uranus. An ending or sudden change can mean you are letting go or responding abruptly to messages from the past. A partnership (professional or personal) will need to be handled carefully.
Saturn in Pisces goes direct on the same day in your shared resources area and points to boundaries and responsibilities that are solidified in matters of debt, taxes, partner finances, intimacy, or a psychological issue. The work that needs to be done regarding the past, addictions, or traumas also becomes clearer.
As Mercury turns retrograde on Nov 26th in Sagittarius, your self-expression area, you may temporarily step back and focus on fun, pleasures, romantic interests, and children.
VIRGO, The New Moon in Scorpio on November 1st represents a new chapter in Virgo's communication area and close environment. In aspect with Saturn, it suggests an honest and purposeful discussion in the relationship (perhaps with official undertones).
However, social Mars will make the first of three oppositions to Pluto, which will provide a public ending or climax. You may receive more attention than you expected, or friendship, social contact can be transformative.
The Full Moon in Taurus on Nov 15th in the opportunity area gives a surprising result in the field of travel, education, legal matters, or publishing. A news, response, or message can catch you off guard while forcing you to follow certain rules. In some cases, what you learn can shatter and change your priorities.
On the same day, Saturn in Pisces goes direct into the partnership area, and imposed rules, restrictions, or commitments are solidified. A relationship can move toward closure or upgrade, depending on how you conform to others' rules or obligations. This may seem difficult - consider whether you are transferring certain burdens and sacrifices.
Mercury retrograde on Nov 26th kicks off a few weeks of home reckoning and sees you shift focus as you temporarily revisit family issues.
LIBRA, It's time for a new beginning in Libra's personal resources area, and the New Moon in Scorpio on Nov 1st will present it along with support from Saturn that will solidify it with a disciplined approach to money, self-care, or responsibilities.
However, Mars in the professional area will make the first of three oppositions to Pluto and may prompt you to act on certain ambitions that are triggered by changes in your foundations.
On Nov 15th, the Taurus Full Moon in your shared resources area will illuminate a surprising financial or emotional problem. What you share or owe may be reversed or suddenly accelerated. There may also be unintended consequences in terms of indulgence, spending, or lack of focus. In some cases, you may be surprised by breaking a link.
Saturn in Pisces goes direct on the same day in the daily life area and signals progress in a health or work matter. Responsibilities to yourself or another may increase, but this will be a forward movement - you learn how to distinguish between what the commitment requires and what is wasteful and unnecessary.
As Mercury turns retrograde on Nov 26th in the communication area, you may be rethinking some issues, reactivating a conversation, or re-asking unclear questions. Documents may be provided for review and correction.
SCORPIO, It's time for your beginning with the New Moon in Scorpio on Nov 1st, and supported by Saturn can confirm a creative goal or issue that boosts your confidence through the work you put in. Slow and steady ensures that what you manifest has value and you appreciate it.
But Mars in your opportunity area applies the first of three oppositions to Pluto and presents a tense response or challenge to your existing beliefs.
The Taurus Full Moon on Nov 15th falls into your partnership area and could bring a sudden end or turning point as an ally makes a surprise move. A partner may challenge your ideas or your decision may shock them, but this is a catalyst designed to help you rebalance the partnership.
On the same day, Saturn in Pisces goes direct into your self-expression area and turns the focus on the future of a creative or romantic matter. There might still be barriers and you may feel restricted rather than hopeful. But Saturn also requires your commitment to the right goal and that is your talent or creative drive. If you want something badly enough, you will work for it.
Mercury turns retrograde on Nov 26th in your personal resources area, and you may be returning to an issue related to money, savings, or valuables—a second look can help you determine which deal is in your best interest.
SAGITTARIUS, you enter a month of isolation from day one with the New Moon in Scorpio in your hidden area. It can help you define and visualize a problem from the past that you've been ignoring and sweeping under the rug.
At the same time, Mars in your shared resources area makes the first of three tense oppositions to Pluto and directs your attention to who has power over your finances and security.
On Nov 15th, the Full Moon in Taurus falls into routine area and brings a sudden result in terms of health, work, or service to others. Hidden or overlooked information can convince you that it's time for a change, whether you're ready or not.
Saturn in Pisces is direct from the same day in your home area and indicates progress in family responsibilities. Although the burden may feel heavier and you may be a little isolated, trust that you are moving towards an eventual conclusion. Some problems can be defined, which makes it easier to work with them.
On Nov 26th, the retrograde phase of Mercury in Sagittarius begins and indicates that solving current problems will be postponed until late Dec.
CAPRICORN, The New Moon in Scorpio on Nov 1st promises a new beginning in the Capricorn social area and with Saturn’s support confirms an official contact, friendship, or official conversation.
But Mars in the partnership area will make the first of three tense oppositions to Pluto and provoke a direct challenge with the other side of the engagement. It can be helpful to understand what you are projecting onto a partner.
A person in power can challenge you and activate passive anger - this may not be a fight you will win fairly.
The Taurus Full Moon on Nov 15th in your self-expression area could see you put certain talents on display in surprising ways. There can be strong urges to show others who you are, even when faced with financial constraints.
On the same day, Saturn in Pisces goes direct into the communication area and promotes progress in terms of learning, a formal document, or focusing your mind and speech.
Mercury turns retrograde on Nov 26th in your hidden area and will force you to temporarily step back from public affairs to process the revelations in private.
AQUARIUS, On Nov 1st, the New Moon in Scorpio marks a new chapter in the Aquarius career area and in aspect with Saturn confirms financial and professional goals. The direction you are headed is in line with financial security, but the journey will be slow and require discipline.
At the same time, Mars in the daily life area makes the first of three oppositions to Pluto and presents a revelation about health, work, or an obligation to another.
The Full Moon in Taurus on Nov 15th falls in your home area and can sharply distance you from the past as a family situation finally comes to a head. Future goals will need to be redefined and you may try to resist what is happening. Know that some changes are out of your control and resistance will only make problems worse.
At the same time, Saturn in Pisces goes direct into your personal resources area and points to moving forward with new rules on profits, but also an improved plan to save and strengthen your values and boundaries.
Mercury turns retrograde on Nov 26th in your social area, suggesting you may take a step back to reevaluate information and dialogue with friends and groups.
PISCES, On Nov 1st, the New Moon in Scorpio presents a new beginning in the Pisces opportunity area. Saturn in your sign is in harmonious aspect with this chapter and suggests that a goal involving travel, education, legal matters, or publishing is within your capacity.
But Mars in your self-expression area makes the first of three oppositions to Pluto and can boost your confidence even more and bring you into an intense confrontation with an authority figure.
The Full Moon in Taurus on Nov 15th falls in your communication area and offers a sudden message or realization. News or the desire to talk can help you overcome a hidden blockage.
Saturn in Pisces goes direct on the same day and insists you keep going by working within the rules and focusing on the goals ahead. There is work to be done, and although you may have felt limited in recent months, you can reap the benefits by becoming more disciplined, which will give you more rewards now.
Mercury turns retrograde on Nov 26th in your career area, prompting you to step back to address a previous professional matter, manage relationships, or refine your goals.