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June 2024 Horoscope for 12 Zodiac Signs

Written by: Anna from StoryOfAwakening



Time to Read 10 min

ARIES, The New Moon in Gemini on June 6th aligns with Venus in the Aries communication area and provides helpful and exciting news, a romantic message, or an impulse of optimism and courage.

The Sun in the same area square Saturn on June 9th presents blockages in communication, but these restrictions will not be obvious. If you feel censored, check out what's going on behind the scenes (hidden guilt, unacknowledged responsibilities).

On June 17, Venus square Neptune - the truth will be hidden, and some discussions will be misleading. Double-check the messages and news you deliver or receive.

The Capricorn Full Moon on June 22nd in the Aries career area points to conclusions and discovery, but avoid distractions or fraudulent offers involving a partner or competitor. Professional goals can be neglected if you allow projected fantasies or fears to dominate.

The month ends with the beginning of the retrograde phase of Saturn in Pisces and will stop the progress of a situation hidden from the public that requires a thoughtful plan and structuring.

It is time to think carefully about your values and break with your outdated and time-worn conditions and traditions.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Aries

TAURUS, The New Moon in Gemini on June 6th conjuncts Taurus ruler Venus in the personal resources area and could point to a new income, a financial bonus, or a boost in confidence and self-esteem.

On June 9th, the Sun in the same area squares Saturn and puts restrictions on money and self-esteem as the choices narrow. You may feel forced by external circumstances to choose what you don't fully like, and that extra work is needed to earn and stabilize.

Venus square Neptune on June 17th can indicate questionable spending or choices (financial or emotional) that undermine you. Be careful about the influence of friends or the collective.

On June 22nd, the Full Moon in Capricorn falls into the Taurus area of opportunities and illuminates a culmination related to the above. The annual aspect between the Sun and Neptune also warns against unrealistic objections. Hopes for a distant goal or an unexplored choice can be exaggerated, as can questions of fairness.

Saturn retrograde in Pisces on the last day of June kicks off four months of reckoning in your social area, and revising rules or commitments is part of achieving a goal.

It may be time to re-evaluate a social constraint involving your image or friendships.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Taurus

GEMINI, The New Moon in Gemini on June 6th is conjunct Venus and could represent a new romantic interest or a new direction in a creative project.

The Sun, also in Gemini, squares Saturn on June 9th and could lead to excessive responsibility or difficulty with authority in your career. You may feel that there is only one path available or that your usual wit and flexibility are not up to the mark. Work with the rules and use the constraints to improve your focus.

Venus square Neptune on June 17th may cloud your perceptions regarding a professional matter or future election. Authority can be undermined, and there is a risk of inappropriate relationships – pause and think before you promise anything.

On June 22nd, the Full Moon in Capricorn falls into Gemini's area of shared resources and illuminates a decision with unclear boundaries that can get you into financial trouble. Whatever you start, don't be misled by exaggerated promises or unreasonable financial investments.

Saturn retrograde in Pisces at the end of June will start 4 months of re-evaluating professional goals. A break or change in current career responsibilities will trigger compliance with responsibilities that have been assumed.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Gemini

CANCER, The New Moon in Gemini on June 6th conjuncts Venus in Cancer's hidden area and could spark your secret crush on someone. You may feel that what you want requires an urgent response, but it's not time to do it publicly (yet).

On June 9th, the Sun in the same area square Saturn can be a difficult reality check involving future possibilities. Policies regarding travel, education, legal matters, or publishing may affect unrecognized or hidden purposes. On the plus side, something unknown can now be clearly defined.

Venus square Neptune on June 17th suggests the development of fantasy or unsatisfied longing. There may be brief but intense moments of frustration.

On June 22nd, the Full Moon in Capricorn will illuminate a resolution in a partnership that will cause moments of confusion, as domestic problems seep into the dynamics of relationships, changing the course of events. The partner may not be aware of their role in the relationship and could actively mislead you.

On June 30th, Saturn in Pisces goes retrograde and begins its 4-month transit. You may need to review certain rules or restrictions around travel, education, retraining, a legal matter, or publishing.

On the other hand, a rule in any of these areas may be suspended, or you may question the authority of a professional or manager.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Cancer

LEOS, On June 6th, the New Moon in Gemini meets Venus in Leo's social area and illuminates a new friendship or infatuation in the social circle. Your public image may enjoy fresh emotions and an abundance of courage to show your true self, despite vulnerabilities.

The Sun in the same area square Saturn on June 9th may place some restrictions around group interactions or your social image. Major constraints involving money, inheritance, or intimacy will govern what happens. Also, you may be letting hidden fears keep you in check.

Venus square Neptune on June 17th suggests confusing relationships, unrequited attractions, or undermining choices regarding your public image.

The Capricorn Full Moon on June 22nd is the culmination of a new work or health regimen that can confuse mixed messages with unclear instructions and dreaminess.

Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces on June 30th and begins a four-month review period and discipline related to shared resources. 

Current boundaries in an intimate relationship or financial exchange require serious review. Certain financial responsibilities towards debts or taxes may be temporarily relieved.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Leo

VIRGO, The June 6th Gemini New Moon conjunct Venus in the Virgo career sector suggests success, a new (and lucrative) relationship, or a dash of charisma for your professional image.

The Sun in the same area square Saturn on June 9th suggests that interaction with a partner or competitor can define, but also limit, certain goals. Their rules can affect your authority.

On June 17th, Venus square Neptune can present confusing relationships or matters of public purpose.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on June 22nd falls into the Virgo self-expression area and can lead to a culmination of the above with a conclusion or awakening of the desire to profit from the knowledge that is taken as a hobby. At the same time, the Sun-Neptune square can encourage you to take things too far. Be very careful about investments.

On the last day of June, the retrograde phase of Saturn in Pisces begins in your partnership area, and for the next four months, you will subject commitments to review and test their durability.

In some cases, a business or personal partnership may temporarily experience relief from rules and restrictions, allowing you to take stock of current developments.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Virgo

LIBRA, The Gemini New Moon on June 6th conjuncts Venus in the Libra opportunity area and could bring luck, an unexpected relationship, or brilliant opportunities involving travel, education, legal affairs, or publishing.

The Sun in the same area square Saturn on June 9th can slow or stop growth in travel, education, legal matters, or publishing. A choice may be limited by health issues or obligations.

On June 17th, Venus square Neptune encourages risk and illusion in the area of distance romance. You may exaggerate your ability to go much further than you actually can.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on June 22nd marks a climax in the home area and creates a family dynamic with shifting ideas and conversations. A break-up in a family business, a move, or a home renovation can provoke a re-evaluation of certain goals that have been put off for a long time. 

At the same time, the Full Moon squares Neptune and symbolizes a confusing hint about family choices - your dreams or fears can undermine the clarity of what is going on.

On June 30th, Saturn goes retrograde in your daily life area and can temporarily relieve the pressure of a health problem or obligation to others.

New rules and responsibilities at work need re-evaluation, so use the next four months to see what extra efforts are needed.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Libra

SCORPIO, The Gemini New Moon on June 6th aligns with Venus in the Scorpio shared resources area and could bring a financial gift, a time to deepen intimacy, or a burst of confidence and well-being as you gather courage and optimism.

The Sun in the same area squares Saturn on June 9th and is the reality check regarding debt, taxes, your partner's finances, intimacy, or a psychological issue.

On June 17th, Venus square Neptune can trigger addiction, romantic obsession, or subversive habits based on your desire for appreciation or release.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on June 22nd in the Scorpio communication area is the annual square between the Sun and Neptune. It can illuminate or blur the facts when making a decision, as dreamy thinking or deception encourages an escape from reality. Make sure you hear or say the truth, not what you or someone else would like to be real.

Saturn retrograde in Pisces kicks off on June 30th through your self-expression area and can temporarily remove boundaries around a new romance or creative work. Or you may question the commitment and effort it takes to get what you want.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Scorpio

SAGITTARIUS, The New Moon in Gemini on June 6th conjuncts Venus in the Sagittarius partner area and suggests a hot new relationship or a moment of pure love, passion, and joy in an existing relationship.

On June 9th, the Sun in the same area, square Saturn, suggests that the rules at home will be oppressive to a partner, or your efforts to exercise power may limit them.

Venus square Neptune on June 17th suggests that a partner may feel let down or targeted by your projected fantasies.

The Capricorn Full Moon on June 22nd in Sagittarians' personal resource area presents the annual Sun-Neptune square and can illuminate delusion coming from other or outside influences that compromise your values and material security.

Be careful with advice and decisions related to borrowing money.

Saturn retrograde in Pisces on June 30th in your home area kicks off a four-month transition. It can temporarily relieve family obligations or put the situation on pause. 

You'll take stock of recent changes and assess how much extra effort is needed to upgrade the home goals.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Sagittarius

CAPRICORN, The New Moon in Gemini on June 6th aligns with Venus in Capricorn daily life area and illuminates a health or work matter, as well as an obligation to another. Watch for a surge of energy and a positive diagnosis clarification, also a new approach can revitalize your routine.

The Sun in the same area square Saturn on June 9th may signal heavier duties or health limitations. Some demands can make you feel overwhelmed.

Venus square Neptune on June 17th can disrupt your discipline or highlight a healthy weakness. You may be self-sacrificing or find it difficult to take care of yourself.

On June 22nd, the Full Moon in Capricorn illuminates a culmination marked by the annual square between the Sun and Neptune, which may cause a reality check on some career expectations.

Try to limit distractions about what might happen. The hidden side of a contract will not work in your favor - aim for clarity and a direct approach.

On June 30th, retrograde Saturn in Pisces will kick off four months of reckoning in your communication area. The limitations you felt when talking or gathering information may find a way out, but you have to make an extra effort.

Additionally, a formal document or agreement may need to be revised or the terms questioned.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Capricorn

AQUARIUS, The Gemini New Moon on June 6th aligns with Venus in the Aquarius self-expression area and could suggest a new passion or creative endeavor. You could start a new romantic interest, hobby, or activity with children.

On June 9th, the Sun in the same area square Saturn can limit your creativity or confidence as a lack of resourcefulness or self-confidence gets in the way of your style. Limited choice cannot be avoided, but increased focus on one area leads to work that can manifest into something valuable.

Venus Square Neptune on June 17th can increase your desire for romantic risk, indulgence, escapism, or excessive spending.

On June 22nd, the Capricorn Full Moon falls into your hidden area and can illuminate a defined truth that involves some sacrifice or compromise that can derail you if you give in to a false belief or an unrealistic dream.

Saturn in Pisces goes retrograde on June 30th for four months in your personal resources area and offers finances tightening.

Some restrictions may be temporarily eased, or you may review the amount of work required to gain from your long-term goals.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Aquarius

PISCES, The New Moon in Gemini on June 6th is conjunct with Venus in the Pisces home area and can signal moments of joy with family or the acquisition of a new home and house improvements. Watch for a surge of ambition to make things better. There may also be benefits that include a home business.

The Sun in the same area square Saturn in Pisces on June 9th suggests that your efforts to define and control certain issues at home or with family may be a bit limiting.

On June 17th, Venus square Neptune in Pisces suggests that the above issues will be filled with misunderstandings or distorted desires. Double-check before making your final choice.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on June 22nd in the Pisces social area directs the focus to all relationships with friends, groups, and new acquaintances. But the Sun square with Neptune can create illusions or disappointments, as addictions, money difficulties, or a lack of boundaries undermine a friendship.

On June 30th, Saturn in Pisces goes retrograde and can ease current restrictions or depression. Feelings of being limited or weighed down by commitments may ease, giving you space for serious reassessments.

It will be time to reconsider how much extra effort is needed to fuel your ambitions.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Pisces

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