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July 2024 Horoscope for 12 Zodiac Signs

Written by: Anna from StoryOfAwakening



Time to Read 11 min

ARIES, The New Moon in Cancer on July 5th introduces a new chapter in Aries's home area. During the discussions in the days leading up to this lunation, you will say more than you wanted. Some details might be exposed to the public, and others will react harshly to what you say.

Venus in the self-expression area opposes Pluto on July 12th, challenging you to express yourself differently without testing others. A new passion, creativity, issue related to children, or a holiday brings a hidden and intense subject to a public climax. Money, addiction, and control are ongoing themes as you move towards a calmer, more stable, financially secure zone.

On July 15th, the conjunction between Mars and Uranus is in your personal resources area and will motivate you to move forward with financial opportunity.
You may suddenly stand up for yourself but know that risk is involved. You may have an opportunity to earn your income in a different or freer way than the current one.

The Full Moon on July 21st in your professional area aligns with Pluto retrograde, illuminating some truths in friendship—you're choosing between old addictions and a stronger approach that requires you to take care of yourself.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Aries

TAURUS, On July 5th, the New Moon in Cancer in your communication area opens the door to fresh ideas, news, or developments related to your neighbor and sibling's life. Topics discussed at home include troubling truths about parent-child relationships or family history. There might be an intense conversation or an ultimatum message.

On July 12th, Venus is opposite Pluto and suggests a dramatic ending or extremity involving a career and partnerships. You take a different path as you choose between time-honored loyalties and ideas of success or something more authentic at home and with family.

Mars conjuncts Uranus in Taurus and prompts you to act boldly until a choice is in your best favor. Suddenly, you see a breakthrough that seems to offer success and exciting change. Or change can be thrown at you, and you have to deal with it. A professional opportunity presents a lot of growth, but a radical change in your lifestyle or image is needed. Some actions will be irreversible.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st highlights a decision made back on June 22nd and now is in its final phase. Pluto retrograde brings an intense result or end in a professional area. Transformations and revelations push you to choose a new direction or way to achieve your goals in the home and public status.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Taurus

GEMINI, The New Moon in Cancer on July 5th in Gemini's personal resources area adds a new financial chapter and approach to self-esteem. Your communication ruler, Mercury, is opposite Pluto days earlier, and you may be faced with an uncomfortable truth, or you may speak harshly and from a place of raw honesty.

Venus in your communication area also opposes Pluto on July 12th and points to a dramatic response that is out of your control regarding travel, education, legal matters, or publishing.

On July 15th, Uranus and Mars conjunct in your hidden area and activate a subconscious question that frees you from past actions. Your approach to money may be shaken by an unexpected change. Make room for new opportunities while breaking with outdated patterns and perceptions of security that no longer serve you. You may feel an anxious urge to cross everything out or run away. Or the sudden eruption of a secret fear or realization shakes you.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st is the final stage of the first one on June 22nd in your shared resources area - debts, taxes, and finances of a partner are highlighted. Assertiveness will be required this time as Pluto retrograde delivers a strong message, answer, or moment of truth you have previously denied.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Gemini

CANCER, The New Moon in Cancer on July 5th presents a personal new beginning that will be energizing and enlightening as you enter the new birth year with a different behavior and point of view. You will receive or give a final paper answer to the financial discussion. Realizing what you have control over will be a key.

Venus in your personal resources area will clash with Pluto on July 12th, illuminating an intense culmination regarding money, relationships, or control. Someone else may have more power in this, so watch out for compulsive behavior, and ultimatum related to your material security.

Uranus and Mars will meet on July 15th in your social area and suggest that you make a liberating choice that propels you forward into a profitable group initiative. You might get an opportunity from afar, with a still unclear element, that provides you with funds through acquaintances. Although there is an opportunity to make a social breakthrough or gain fame for yourself, the reactions of others will be unpredictable.

On July 21st, the Full Moon in Capricorn in your partner area illuminates a decision, conclusion, and news about a relationship or business engagement discussed a month ago. The Moon is conjunct Pluto retrograde and delivers transformative results involving money, inheritance, or clearing psychological issues. You will be encouraged to break down a highly subjective point of view and adopt a more objective one. Dependency or access to a foreign material resource can be permanently revoked.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Cancer

LEOS, The New Moon in Cancer on July 5th falls into Leo’s hidden area and is a time to take care of yourself and your mental world. You may receive news days before or have a conversation in which one's strength or life changes will make you realize and say something extreme.

Venus in Leo opposes Pluto on July 12th, providing a dramatic turning point or end to an element of a relationship or its overall appearance. Old patterns based on childhood issues can fuel this.

On July 15th, Mars and Uranus align in your professional area and signal a bold move regarding your future goals. There may be a break in tradition or an argument while confronting authority. Partner or competitor may push you forward, but know that radical action (or anger) will change plans for your professional image and path.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st is the second in your work and daily life area and is considered the final conclusion. A relationship with a partner or a business commitment will reach a turning point. Their power, influence, or transformative events in their lives will reflect your own unclaimed power. You will be challenged to respond in new ways by not relying on patterns nurtured in childhood.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Leo

VIRGO, On July 5th, the New Moon in Cancer falls into Virgo’s social area and opens a new beginning in the circle of friends, your place in the team, or your social connections. A backstage conversation reveals a secret in a particularly intense way days earlier. It will include completion related to health, work, or service to others.

Venus in your hidden area opposing Pluto on July 12th could bring a major revelation involving a secret infatuation or desire. A climax brought on by illness, unbalanced service, or loss in your immediate environment will cause you to reevaluate the truth.

Mars and Uranus align on July 15th in your opportunities area and will activate positive choices in travel, education, legal matters, or publishing. You can take trips to find a new job as well. Intensive conversations connected to these topics will support an ongoing creative project, your talents, a craft, or questions with your children. Additional research and adjustments in plans are required, or evaluation of expenses and investments.

The culmination of the month is on July 21st during the Full Moon in Capricorn, which indicates a closing stage in the above themes. A deep uncovering of what is hidden or ignored has been on the table since the previous Full Moon on June 22nd.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Virgo

LIBRA, The New Moon in Cancer on July 5th falls in Libra’s career area and presents professional developments that open the door to the future while promoting your ambition and authority. A public message or conversation from the previous days reveals something hidden and ultimate. A deep truth may alienate some followers and friends.

Venus in your social area opposes Pluto on July 12th and points to a bright public ending or intense confrontation. Your social image and friendships will be challenged by jealousy or obsessive attraction.

On July 15th, Mars and Uranus will be in conjunction in your shared resources area to activate a scenario involving debt, taxes, partner finances, intimacy, or psychological issues. The path forward may not be entirely within your control, but it is a prompt to choose something that lies beyond superficial happiness and security.

The Capricorn Full Moon on July 21st in your self-expression area highlights conjunction with Pluto retrograde - uncomfortable truths about friendship or your social image may be revealed. You'll be choosing between old, survival-based ways of responding and a more thoughtful approach that involves trust, deeper exploration of motivations, and fearless confrontation with your addictions.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Libra

SCORPIO, On July 5th, the New Moon in Cancer presents an opportunity for Scorpios and adds a new development regarding travel, education, a legal matter, or publishing. Professional conversations with managers or business decisions reveal more about career dynamics and future goals.

On July 12th, Venus opposes Pluto, suggesting that big changes at home could lead to this intense career and public image climax.

Mars and Uranus conjunct on July 15th in your partnership area and points to a new choice or action by a partner that pushes you forward. Changes in a close commitment will be a prerequisite for unplanned actions while you or another person tries to impose control and authority over decisions. Be prepared for events that shake your comfort zone, and do not resist the renewal in the life of the other.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st is a conclusion and decisive moment postponed from the previous full moon on June 22nd. The aspect with Pluto retrograde suggests that the transformations in your family life are final and will change your future. Endings lead to beginnings, but before that happens, you'll have to deal with a new dynamic in a partnership or heightened pressure.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Scorpio

SAGITTARIUS, The New Moon in Cancer on July 5th in Sagittarius' shared resources area adds new insights into debt, taxes, partner finances, intimacy, or psychological issues. A deep but uncomfortable truth is revealed, involving ethics or a loss of faith.

Venus in the opportunities area opposes Pluto on July 12th, providing a major climax or ending involving a long-distance relationship, education, legal matters, travel, or publishing.

On July 15th, Mars conjunct Uranus will encourage you to take action related to health, habits, how you help others, or how you approach your daily work. Unexpected information will shatter your sense of security and end an outdated or undermining health or work habit. Don't try to hold on to resources that no longer serve you and even prevent you from truly seeing what you need.

During the Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st, a decision considered a month ago (during the full moon on June 22nd) will culminate. The conjunction of the Moon with Pluto retrograde indicates that what began around the New Moon can quickly end with the revelation of the truth. You have to choose between avoiding or keeping things hidden and going public.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Sagittarius

CAPRICORN, On July 5th, the New Moon in Cancer in the Capricorn relationship area adds a new chapter to the partnership plan. Power imbalances (financial or emotional) can be revealed, as well as secrets about money, intimacy, or deeply buried psychological issues.

Venus in your shared resources area opposing Pluto on July 12th can illuminate some intense dynamics with another regarding trust or fear of loss. The obsessive desire for control will involve social issues from the past. The way forward lies in self-expression and honest manifestations of who you are and what you create.

Mars meets Uranus on July 15th in your self-expression area and suggests a shift to a creative or romantic peak. Expressing your truth without conforming to outdated judgments and societal norms will attract success. But you can easily go too far if you don't balance the action with caution - before you make that risky move, consider whether you're prepared for the consequences.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st is the second in your sign (the first was on June 22nd), suggesting that decisions will be final. The aspect of Pluto retrograde brings the development of the New Moon to an intense peak, as finances (personal vs. shared) have been a concern. You may permanently stop receiving a resource you have been dependent on.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Capricorn

AQUARIUS, The New Moon in Cancer on July 5th presents a new beginning in Aquarius’s daily life area. Developments in health, work, or service to another are available. A few days earlier, a conversation with a partner or competitor could provide powerful information or news. Or your power will bring things to a point that will provoke a dramatic response.

Venus in your partnership area opposes Pluto on July 12th and could see you amputate a relationship or experience an obsessive attraction. Your habitual actions will be based on old approaches to power and status, while the way forward involves developing a stable home environment.

On July 15th, Uranus conjuncts Mars in the home area and activates a path forward regarding a home business, family matter, or relocation. Before you make any drastic moves, pay attention to the financial risks if you don't proceed with some caution.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st falls into your hidden area and is the second in a row (the first was on June 22nd), making decisions final. The Pluto retrograde aspect is a turning point in relationships that involves choosing between old professional goals and new family goals.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Aquarius

PISCES, The New Moon in Cancer on July 5th falls into Pisces’s self-expression area and presents a new stimulus for creativity, romance, or activities with children. Discussing diagnosis, error, or massive implementation may have been the focus days earlier.

On July 12th, Venus in your daily life area opposes Pluto and reveals a harsh reality about your health, work, or obligations to another. Boiling resentment, sudden loss, or breaking off a bad habit may arise.

Mars and Uranus conjunct on July 15th in your communication area and help you clarify what choices to make as the way forward is supported by a financial message. Unexpected arguments or radical actions based on strange and eccentric ideas are also not excluded. А message can be aggressive and motivating, pushing you to do something оriginal, but also incredibly risky.

On July 21st, the Capricorn Full Moon in your social area illuminates a conclusion (linked to the June 22nd full moon). The conjunction of the Moon with Pluto retrograde points to a difficult revelation about the subject that began with the New Moon in Cancer. You may need to accept withdrawal or breaking an addiction as a necessary part of any new beginning.

Story of Awakening Monthly Horoscope Pisces

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